Why the coaching and hypno blend is powerful stuff

I’m often asked by curious people (I ADORE curious people) how hypno-coaching works. What it is. What’s different about it? 

In this blog I want to outline the benefits of these two very wonderful techniques and how by combining them it can bring about such incredible transformations. 

First, coaching.

Coaching is first and foremost, client centred. It’s a forward looking, goal oriented way of approaching your current problem (point A) and helping you to reach your aims (point B). 

Coaching is a rational, conscious thought process. 

A good coach will ask you great questions that make you think differently, challenge your current perceptions and help you shift the needle in terms of where you’re at. 

Coaching is centred around helping the client reach their own conclusions (by using the great questions as above). 

Most coaches will specialise in a certain area to help you really get the most out of your sessions or program with them as they will have helped many people in a similar position to you. 

Like me for example, I’m a Career Coach.

Or there are more generalist life coaches who will support you in tackling a wider range of issues. 

Coaching can use a number of different modalities, for example a coach may use NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), visualisation tools, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) as well as a number of questioning techniques to help get to the heart of the problem and help you towards your desired outcome. 

Your coach asks you questions. You answer those questions. 

A coach might give you some ‘homework’ such as journaling prompts or worksheets to complete to help you deepen your thinking around a subject and come to some new conclusions in your own time. 

A new depth of self awareness, openness and insight can be reached with good coaching!

And then we come to hypnotherapy.

Unlike coaching which accesses your conscious, thinking brain (5% of your brain), hypnotherapy accesses your subconscious, emotional brain (the remaining 95%!).

It does this by your hypnotherapist helping you enter a trance state (where your brainwave activity slows down to allow the subconscious mind to open up and be receptive), bypass your critical faculty and enter the parts of your brain that are more often than not hidden away, or forgotten about.

Hypnotherapy is exactly that - therapy using hypnosis. 

Therapy tends to look backwards, unlike coaching which is forward looking. 

When you look back, at long forgotten events or moments in your past you can learn from those events, heal from them (whether it be ‘Big T or little t’ trauma) and rewire the ‘faulty wiring’ in your brains that might be telling you a certain unhelpful story (such as I’m not good enough, I’m not valuable, I’m not worthy, I’ve got to be perfect etc).

Your subconscious rules the roost!

It’s always trying to help you. 

At whatever cost. 

And it always believes absolutely everything you tell it. 

So if you’re telling our non thinking brain that you’ve got to be perfect, it will ‘help you’ to continue to be perfect by preventing you from taking risks, for example. And so by default it keeps you living a safe, unadventurous life for fear of allowing you to be anything less than perfect. 

By understanding, in hypnosis, where that belief you need to be perfect has come from, you can rewrite the story your subconscious brain is telling you and create a new version of yourself that can release the need to be so perfect, creating a life with more spontaneity and freedom, for example!

And then… combine the two!

When using BOTH of these amazing tools, there is huge potential for significant transformation. 

Using the forward facing, goal oriented coaching techniques, coupled with the healing power of looking back into a forgotten past and re-wiring your neural circuitry means you can achieve your goals while making sure your subconscious mind isn’t going to come along and sabotage that success at a later date! 

So there you have it - my explanation of hypno-coaching!

If you have any questions about any of this, please feel free to drop me a message and ask away!

Jo Randall

I’m Jo and I create stunning, strategic and faff-free websites for savvy female service providers to supercharge their business and make an impact.

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