About Lou
Hynes Coaching

Helping you make your soul’s purpose your career

To stay stuck, frustrated, jaded and apathetic in a job you’re no longer happy in simply isn’t an option. 

So I’m here to help YOU figure out your ‘why’, so you can create a career move that gives you excited tingles. 

You’re here to shine as brightly as you can.

Lou leaning on wall with sea in background

I’ve always had a very strong ‘why’ (do you?)

I’ve always wanted to champion women and help them shine their light, particularly after having mine dimmed for too long with my own corporate experience. 

  • My core strengths and skills diminished & diluted with each restructure 

  • A horrible manager who made me dread going in to work

  • Feeling like a round peg in a square hole, lost and unsure how to break free

Now, my ‘why’ is even stronger.  You see, we’re not guaranteed tomorrow. 

Ask me how I know? 

I lost my husband, Pete, who was just 40 years young in December 2022. And I remember, as he’d leave for work in the morning he would often say to me “go and change some women’s lives, today, Lou!” That in itself makes my mission even stronger. 

Life ISN’T a dress rehearsal. We are here on this earth with a mission and purpose and it’s our job to figure that out and then go and do it in the short precious time we have available to us.

Here are some other things you should know about me…

  • In Human Design I’m a 5/2 Self-projected Projector with a defined throat and G Centre (IKYKY). I’m basically born to do what I do!

  • Early in my consumer insight career, I was presenting to a senior audience, and thinking I’d written ‘discount’ on the chart, imagine my horror when I clicked on to it and there, in a big bold header was the word ‘disco c*nt’!!! 

  • I’m a classically trained singer and have sung everything from the solo in Handel’s Messiah to Roxie Hart’s ‘Roxie’ (don’t ask about the time my friend and I BOTH started on the completely wrong note in Pie Jesu) 

  • My eldest child is called Will but I can’t hand write the letter W for toffee (really didn’t think that one through)

  • I lived in France for a year as part of my degree and eventually began dreaming in French and even forgot English words sometimes - such a strange phenomena!

Lou posing in black dress
Lou in pink code eating chips
Lou wearing black sitting on a bench making notes
  • "Working with Lou was the most rewarding, enlightening, fun, challenging (in a good way!) and fulfilling experience. I gained such a clear perspective on myself and where I wanted to go and the tools Lou provided are continuing to help day to day."

    Rachel W

  • "With Lou’s help I untangled the expectations and responsibilities which weighed me down, figuring out what truly mattered to me and what was simply a drain on my well-being. In moments of absolute chaos she helped me find perspective, and kept me on track. My (work)life is infinitely better having been through coaching with Lou."

    Alex W

  • "Working with Lou made me realise a mindset change was needed. The questions Lou asked really made me examine and analyse thoughts, decisions and fears from a completely different angle; her challenges made me re-consider things or confirmed that I should stick to some of my convictions. If anyone is considering working with Lou they should absolutely go for it."

    Dominique J

  • "I feel like I’m on a path now to living my life on my own terms, creating the life I want to live and taking no sh*t from the ‘system’. Lou’s combination of gentle holding, plus the no bs approach when she lovingly calls me out on the stories that I have allowed to rule my life and my decisions is EXACTLY what I needed in my life. And will continue to benefit from. So grateful for you, Lou."

    Laura L

  • "The most insightful part of Lou's Clarity Quest Program, for me, came via the hypnosis sessions. They helped me identify and then step over the barriers that I was creating for myself, positively impacting my home life as well as my subsequent career direction. I now feel re-energised, confident in a much more purposeful job search, and calm. I have never truly been calm before."

    Tracey H

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